Liquid sunshine, liquid gold....we have an abundance of honey this September. The bees are so strong and healthy, they have filled their hives to overflowing with great golden combs of Wililaiki, a bright yellow honey known for its butterscotch flavor, silky texture and healing properties. Because the bees here gather nectar and make honey year-round (rather than store it to be eaten during the cold winter), it is beneficial for them that we harvest honeycombs and free up space in the brood chamber before the 'winter months' when things slow down. In the brood chamber, the queen lays eggs and the nurse bees raise the young larvae until they go through metamorphosis and hatch out as adult bees. When we open space here the bees use the abundant Wililaiki nectar to produce bright yellow wax and build fresh combs to raise babies. When we harvest honey this time of year we help the bees keep their nursery fresh and clean and free of any pesticide residues, disease spores or pests like varroa mites.
Our bees make their own combs (rather than build on plastic frames as is common elsewhere) and so we harvest each comb by hand, carefully and gently removing every bee as we go. At home the combs are squeezed by hand, lightly strained and bottled or bagged (for shipping). This honey is so precious and pure! It takes the nectar of five million tiny Wililaiki blossoms to produce a single pound of honey. We make sure that the honey is treated as a sacred substance and comes to you as pure and vibrant as it is in the hive. We add nothing but prayers of gratitude and love, knowing we are helping the bees make medicine for the world. Honey and other bee products are available locally at Artemis Smiles Sanctuary in Na'alehu, Hawaii. For those who live elsewhere our rare varietal Honey is available for shipping in food safe packaging, at $10/lb. Small: up to 5lbs plus $10 S&H Medium: up to 20lbs plus $20 S&H Large: up to 35lbs plus $25 S&H Payment can be made through Paypal, Venmo or by check. You can place an order via email ([email protected]) or text (808 430 3103) and provide your address. Notification of payment details, tracking number and expected arrival date will be provided upon shipping. Enquire about other bee products which may be available: Bee Bread (pollen superfood) $30/lb Beeswax candles: $8-$20 (variety of sizes and styles) Flavored or medicinal honeys: Tamarind-honey paste, chili-pepper honey, Black Seed-Honey and more.
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